July 28, 2023

Why Website Branding Matters


Your brand is invaluable, and it needs to be established adequately and purposely. If you still think that writing a para on social media or uploading an attractive logo is all it takes to make your brand successfully established, you’re wrong. To have your true brand identity, you’ll have to invest a lot of effort and time into the brand. 

From researching to consulting expert professionals, there’s a lot to be done. Every business must know what website branding is, what to avoid while branding, and how to fix the issues. Whether you’re a startup firm or a well-established business, everyone faces one issue or another, and there’s always a way to fix them. 

So, read this article to find out what to avoid and how to fix issues related to website branding. 

1. It’s Not Always About The Logo Redesign 

As already mentioned, website branding is not always about the tagline or logo. Branding involves all the things you choose to represent, including your content style and the company’s voice. 

Having a distinct style and competitive advantage will help you find an audience. No audience means no value. Although some companies know what makes a good logo, they mistake spending most of their budget on logo redesign. They won’t spend enough on other assets. 

Our website design for Thursday

For instance, with the UK dating app, Thursday, although we hardly touched their visual logo, we built a brand strategy around their personality and tone of voice, so they are now able to communicate correctly with their audience. They stay consistent across their platforms and messaging to ensure the brand goes beyond their logo.

2. Not Giving Much Attention To First Impressions 

If you don’t want your brand to go unnoticed, don’t use a clunky design. No matter if you have exceptional customer service, great messaging, and an amazing product, lacking a visually attractive presentation will never get you the attention of the people that you want. 

Some big companies that achieved growth and popularity before the advent of the internet can still get away with bad design, but the brands established after the mid-2000s know the struggle. With a user-friendly, ultra-modern website design, you will enhance your brand’s overall appeal and credibility. 

The Fix: Obviously, you won’t get any second chances while making your first impression. So, as your brand design needs recognition and facelift, make it the topmost priority. With plenty of business resources and tools, you can easily and effectively create an attractive and appealing visual design. 

3. Poor Customer Service 

You must know that poor customer service can significantly damage your brand’s reputation. If the product experience is negative, then people will more likely talk about the product. It’s one of the reasons why website branding requires customer service to be one of its topmost priorities. 

The Fix: It’s imperative to apply the saying: “The customer is king/queen.” Your brand must meet the user’s demand and needs to ensure the best customer service. If your brand provides incentives, makes satisfaction guarantees, and quickly resolves any issue, you’ll be able to make a strong, efficient, and loyal customer base. 

4. Not Using (Or Misusing) Social Media 

Avoiding social media is yet another way to adversely impact the brand while degrading the customer satisfaction level. At times, brands fail at social media due to their inability to spend enough money and time on social media efforts. 

However, making sure that your brand is present on all social media channels sends the message that you really care about the consumers. Having multiple social media accounts enables your brand to connect with consumers and promptly respond to their queries and complaints. This enhances the brand’s image and makes them popular. 

The Fix: To build a foolproof and effective social media strategy, you’ll have to commit actual time and resources. If you want to take an example from a brand and follow them, Wendy’s should be the one. This brand has an exceptional social media presence. It has over 8.5 million likes on Facebook, almost 2.5 million followers on Twitter, and over 700,000 followers on Instagram. 

It’s quite apparent that the brand has a constant image, posts often, and communicates with its followers/fan base. Similarly, let your brand be present in all social media channels, make a separate team for handling social media concerns, and try to keep up with pop culture and current events to engage with the followers. 

Final Words

Website branding and Brand Strategy is not as easy as it sounds. But it’s important to know that your brand is way more than its products and services. Your brand’s success depends on how you treat the customers and what experience you give them. Once you succeed in establishing a solid brand identity, you’ll never have to look back.

If you'd like to improve your branding, let's chat!

Why Website Branding Matters