January 6, 2023

How to build a mobile app for failure...and how to avoid it

failed mobile app and good mobile app

Are you tired of seeing all of these successful mobile apps out there and want to join the ranks of failed app creators instead? Well, you're in luck! By following a few simple steps, you too can join the club of app development failure.

First and foremost, it's important to neglect any and all market research. Why bother understanding the needs and wants of your target audience when you can just build something you think is cool? This approach is guaranteed to lead to a product that doesn't meet the needs of your users and ultimately fails.

Next, skip the planning phase entirely. Who needs a clear strategy and plan when you can just jump straight into development? Skipping the planning phase can lead to a disorganised and ultimately unsuccessful project.

Once your app is built, be sure to ignore any and all user feedback. After all, you know better than your users what they want, right? This approach will surely result in an app that is not well-received by its intended audience.

Another key to failure is poor budget management. Make sure to overspend and allocate resources inefficiently. This will lead to cost overruns and project delays, ultimately sinking your project.

Finally, why waste time and resources on testing and iteration when you can just launch your app as is? Skipping this important step will result in a poorly functioning app that does not meet the needs of its users.

By following these easy steps, you'll be well on your way to failing at creating a successful mobile app. So go forth and join the club of app development failure! Don't be afraid to embrace your inner failure and follow these simple steps to ensure the ultimate failure of your mobile app project. With a little bit of neglect and a whole lot of poor planning and decision making, you too can join the ranks of unsuccessful app creators.

Psst…did you make it this far?

Well if you’re looking to crack the mobile app market and build something that has the best chance of success, let’s look at how we can avoid the above.

How to run market research for your mobile app idea:

Market research is a crucial step in the app development process, as it helps to ensure that your app idea meets the needs and wants of your target audience. There are a few key ways to conduct market research for your mobile app idea:

Survey your target audience: One of the best ways to gather information about your target audience is to ask them directly. Consider creating a survey to gather insights on their needs, wants, and pain points related to your app idea.

Research your competitors: Understanding what similar apps are already on the market can help you to identify any gaps in the market and tailor your app to fill those gaps.

Test your app idea with a focus group: Consider gathering a small group of people from your target audience to test your app idea. This can help you to gather valuable feedback and make any necessary adjustments before beginning the development process.

How to plan your app idea

Working with a mobile app design and development agency can be a great way to bring your app idea to fruition. When planning your app with an agency, there are a few key steps to follow:

Clearly define your goals and objectives: It's important to have a clear understanding of what you want to accomplish with your app. This will help to guide the development process and ensure that your final product meets your expectations.

Determine your target audience: Knowing who your app is intended for will help to shape the design and functionality of your app.

Define your budget and timeline: Setting a budget and timeline will help to ensure that your project stays on track and within budget.

Create a detailed project plan: Working with your agency to create a detailed project plan will help to ensure that all parties are on the same page and that the development process goes smoothly.

How to effectively gather user feedback

Gathering user feedback is an important step in the app development process, as it can help to identify any issues or areas for improvement. There are a few key ways to gather user feedback on your app once it's been built:

Use in-app feedback tools: Many apps include in-app feedback tools that allow users to provide feedback directly within the app.

Offer incentives for feedback: Consider offering incentives, such as discounts or freebies, for users who provide feedback on your app.

Use social media to gather feedback: Social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, can be a great way to gather feedback from your users. Consider setting up a dedicated social media account specifically for user feedback.

How to manage your budget effectively

Working with a mobile app agency can help to ensure that your project stays on budget and on track. Here are a few key ways to manage your budget effectively:

Clearly define your budget and timeline: Setting a budget and timeline upfront will help to ensure that your project stays on track and within budget.

Set clear expectations with your agency: Be sure to communicate your budget and timeline clearly with your agency, as well as any specific requirements or goals you have for your app.

Monitor progress regularly: Regular check-ins with your agency will help to ensure that your project is on track and within budget.

How to effectively test and iterate your mobile app before launching:

Testing and iteration are important steps in the app development process, as they can help to identify any issues or areas for improvement before launching your app. Here are a few key ways to effectively test and iterate your mobile app before launching:

Use a small group of beta testers: Consider gathering a small group of users from your target audience to test your app before launching it. This can help to identify any issues or areas for improvement.

Incorporate user feedback: Gather feedback from your beta testers and use it to make any necessary adjustments to your app.

Test for functionality: Be sure to thoroughly test your app for functionality to ensure that it is working properly.

Iterate based on user feedback: Use the feedback you gather from your beta testers to iterate on your app and make any necessary improvements.

By following these steps, you can effectively test and iterate your mobile app before launching it, increasing the chances of success upon launch.

Want to join the list of successful mobile app founders like Thursday and Bumble? Get the ball rolling with our team of experts and get in touch now via our contact page.

How to build a mobile app for failure...and how to avoid it