February 3, 2023

Use our App Cost Calculator to get an initial quote estimate for your project

mobile app cost calculator
How much will it cost to make your app or website in the UK? Find out an initial price by using our app cost calculator, which gives you a high and low range based on a few variables.

Use the app cost calculator now:

Why Use An App Cost Calculator?

Whether you're just starting out with an app or website idea, or you're in the final stages of choosing a design and development partner, you'll want to understand the costs involved. While you can contact us and speak to one of our experts, it's good to get a ballpark figure to ensure what you're asking for is within your budget.

You can also try the app cost calculator multiple times to see the difference between a host of variables, including number of screens, design and/or development, different features, the complexity levels and much more. On a call, this would take a few days for our team to discuss with the design and development teams; this way you get a ballpark figure instantly.

What Is In Our App Cost Calculator?

Our calculator is a free to use tool that allows you to run through your requirements for a project, which in turn provides you with a price. You can provide your requirements which include:

  • Is it a mobile app, website or branding
  • Is it design and/or development
  • Number of screens/pages
  • What features and content
  • What APIs and Integrations
  • What integrations and animations
  • Etc

The quote calculator has been built on the logic from 1000s of historical quotes and proposals sent by Fortnight over the last 2 years, and it is updated every three months to ensure the pricing and steps are up-to-date.

Why Can An App Cost Change So Much?

App development cost varies based on several key factors, including: the length of time it takes to develop the app, how much functionality the app requires, how much experience you need from a development team, the complexity of the project and the amount of maintenance your app will need once it’s built and deployed. Among others! So you can see how the price starts to mount.

What Can You Expect After Receiving The Quote?

Once you go through the app cost calculator steps, you'll receive the estimated cost in an email, along with some free articles to read and the option to speak about your project with one of our experts. Clients usually book a call to discuss:

  • The proposal costs in detail
  • The project and idea for advice on our approach
  • Technical and creative input from our teams
  • The details around the project including features, the problem your solving, product-to-market fit and more

What If You're Above My Budget?

Although our rates are very competitive, we always want to figure out a solution that works for you. We've had many clients come to us with a large scope which results in a high quote, but when we discuss the right approach for a phase 1, the budget can reduce dramatically. We'd always suggest booking a call with us to see if we can work together.

At Fortnight, we’re not just a team of designers and developers, but planners, strategists and product makers. Bring us your idea and we’ll work with you and your budget to build something that can be groundbreaking, award-winning and industry defining.

Want to find out if we can do this for you after using our app cost calculator? Let’s partner up - send us a message using our contact form or just email! We look forward to hearing about your idea!

Use our App Cost Calculator to get an initial quote estimate for your project